ENPS' Bookshelf
A selection of classic and recently published books on botany (with a focus on the flora of Alberta), gardening, and supporting wildlife with native plants.
Some titles may be out of print. Check your local library or used bookstores for copies.
*A note on botanical (latin) names: Our understanding of plant species identification and relationships continually changes with an ever-increasing volume of genomics data. As new evidence presents itself, plant species, genus, or family names change accordingly. Old species classifications are sometimes determined to be synonymous (e.g. two previously defined species are actually the same), encompass more than one species (e.g. delimiting cryptic species), or belong to a different clade (e.g. family). Using a tool such as the VASCAN database will help you to navigate the name changes when presented with dated classifications.

A Guide to the Common Mosses and Liverworts of Alberta
Miller, Brittney
A field guide to 170 of the most common mosses and liverworts, with illustrated key, species description, habitat information and maps.

Vascular Flora of Alberta: Illustrations and Maps
Kershaw, Linda and Lorna Allen
Self-published. Kindle Direct Publishing
Contains illustrations and distribution maps for over 2000 vascular plant species recognized as native or naturalized in Alberta. Designed as a companion volume for the Vascular flora of Alberta: An illustrated guide (2020).

Native Plants for Prairie Gardens
June Flanagan
Fifth House
A prairie-specific handbook on all aspects of adding native plants to your landscape. Written for gardeners in the northern and central Prairies of Canada and the United States.

Go Wild! With Easy to Grow Prairie Wildflowers and Grasses
Dodd, Cherry and the Edmonton Naturalization Group
Edmonton Natural History Club
The most local native plant growing guide for gardeners you can find! An excellent introduction to native plants suitable for residential urban gardens.

Native Plants for the Short Season Yard: Best picks for the Chinook and Canadian Prairie Zones
Penner, Lyndon
Brush Education Inc.
An informative introduction to native prairie and Rocky mountain plants for gardeners.

NatureScape Alberta: Creating and caring for wildlife habitat at home
Pearman, Myrna and Ted Pike
Red Deer River Naturalists and Federation of Alberta Naturalists
A comprehensive guide to creating habitat for wildlife in your home landscape. Plant charts include wildlife value and plant characteristics. Not all plants listed are native, however origin is noted on the charts.

Prairie Up: An Introduction to Natural Garden Design
Vogt, Benjamin
3 Fields Books
Author Benjamin Vogt shares his expertise using prairie plants in home landscape design. Written for homeowners and gardeners.

Mushrooms of Western Canada
Schalkijk-Barendsen, Helene
Lone Pine Media BC
2021 (3rd ed.)
A comprehensive guide to the mushrooms of Western Canada and neighbouring states. Illustrations and descriptions of over 500 species.

Water and Wetland Plants of the Prairie Provinces
Lahring, Heinjo
Canadian Plains Research Center
A field guide to over 400 species of water and wetland plants found in the prairies and the northern US. Includes photographs, line drawings, detailed plant descriptions and more.

Flora of Alberta
Moss, E.H.
Toronto University Press
Keys, descriptions, distribution maps. Semi-professional.

Plants of the Western Forest: Alaska to Minnesota, Boreal and Aspen Parkland
Johnson, Derek, Linda Kershaw, Andy MacKinnon
Partners Publishing
2020 (3rd ed.)
Colour photos, descriptions and some keys. Covers most of our local forest plants.

Plants of Alberta: Trees, Shrubs, Wildflowers, Ferns, Aquatic Plants & Grasses
Royer, France
Lone Pine Publishing
An illustrated guide to the diverse and fascinating flora of Alberta.

Wildflowers Across the Prairies
Vance, F.R., R. Jowsey, S. McLean, F.A. Switzer
Greystone Books
A guide to wildflowers of the Canadian prairies. Updated and revised with a new section on grasses, sedges and rushes.

Alberta Wayside Flowers
Kershaw, Linda
Lone Pine Publishing
A guide featuring 112 of the most common native and naturalized wildflowers found in Alberta.

Vascular Flora of Alberta: An Illustrated Guide
Kershaw, Linda, Lorna Allen
Self-published. Kindle Direct Publishing
Illustrated keys to all of the native and naturalized vascular plant species known to grow wild in Alberta. Available from Amazon. Watch for updates.