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Susan Neuman

City of Edmonton Naturalization Survey

For more than 25 years, Edmonton has been reverting sections of City green spaces to a more ecological state through naturalization. Naturalization is a process that transforms a manicured landscape into one reflective of the natural ecoregion. Responsible parkland care means sustainable practices that contribute to a healthy, climate-resilient, livable City for generations to come. Naturalization helps preserve and celebrate the natural plant and animal species found in our region. 

Naturalization is occurring throughout the city - along roadways, stormwater ponds, park spaces, and in new development communities. It may even be happening in a grassy area near you!  The areas being targeted for naturalization are those that are not part of the regular mowing cycle, and may eventually be planted with trees, shrubs or wildflowers.

The goal of the City’s survey is to understand residents’ awareness of, and perspectives regarding, the ongoing naturalization efforts.  The survey is currently open to all city residents and will close on October 20, 2024 at 11:59pm.

For more information, and to take the survey, please go to the following link: 


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