ENPS Native Plant Sale
Sunday, June 23rd 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
In the parking lot at the front of
Orchid Resource Centre, 4459 99 St NW, Edmonton
(Plant names in red/orange mean there are limited quantities for these species.)
Common name | scientific name |
alpine hedysarum | Hedysarum americanum |
arctic aster | Eurybia sibirica |
Canada violet | Viola rugulosa |
early blue violet | Viola adunca |
Ledingham's false dragonhead | Physostegia ledinghamii |
gaillardia | Gaillardia aristata |
blue giant hyssop | Agastache foeniculum |
golden-aster | Heterotheca villosa |
heart-leaved alexanders | Zizia aptera |
long-stalked chickweed | Stellaria longipes |
low goldenrod | Solidago missouriensis |
meadow blazingstar | Liatris ligulistylis |
nodding onion | Allium cernuum |
pink pussytoes | Antennaria rosea |
cut-leaved anemone | Anemone multifida |
prairie crocus | Pulsatilla nuttalliana |
prairie onion | Allium textile |
Richardson's alumroot | Heuchera richardsonii |
small-leaved pussytoes | Antennaria parvifolia |
stiff goldenrod | Solidago rigida |
thimbleweed | Anemone cylindrica |
three-flowered avens | Geum triflorum |
veiny meadow-rue | Thalictrum venulosum |
wild bergamot | Monarda fistulosa |
wild blue flax | Linum lewisii |
common wild strawberry | Fragaria virginiana |
Come early to get the best selection.
We have a controlled line up to allow for easier shopping.
Bring a box or container in which to take away your purchase. (We have a limited number of boxes.)
Bring cash to make your purchase quicker!